ELA Department » LHS Summer Reading Book Chat Guidelines

LHS Summer Reading Book Chat Guidelines

Directions and Expectations

Research shows that the ability to read critically improves with consistent practice.  Thus, students who read during the summer are more likely will improve their ability to read than those who don’t.  To help students improve as readers, Leonia High School has developed a summer program that gives them considerable choice in selecting a book on a topic that genuinely interests them.  Our summer reading program aims to promote literacy, improve academic achievement, build vocabulary, and encourage reading for enjoyment.

book reading


Students will select a book on the list from one of the subjects on their course schedule for the upcoming academic year.  The reading list will be available on the LHS website.  During the summer, students are to closely read and are encouraged to annotate the book of their choice by taking notes in the margins, highlighting, and/or using a reading log to record thoughts and questions about the topics, characters, setting, plot, and main ideas to prepare for an informal oral assessment in September.  If the book is borrowed from a library, students should use post-its instead of writing in the book. The Leonia Library receives a copy of our list and often has the titles available. 

Before the Book Chat


Students will select a summer reading book electronically on the LHS website during the first week of April (date to be announced).  Students may only choose one book and students must be enrolled in a course in that department for the upcoming school year. In addition to these requirements, the following important conditions also should be noted:



  • Students who enroll at LHS after Moving Up Day in June must inform the ELA supervisor/Book Chat Coordinator before August 1 
  • Students may change their book using the website provided there is availability for the intended title.
  • No more than 12 students may choose any one book.
  • If a student enrolls in LHS after August 1, the Book Chat is optional. Contact the ELA supervisor to select a book or to opt-out. 

The Book Chat

During the second week of September, students will meet with a teacher for a brief discussion about the book—a Book Chat. 

  • Students can earn or lose as many as five points toward the first marking period grade for the subject corresponding to their choice of book.
  • Students who do not choose to read will lose five points from their first marking period grade in English.
  • Any student who selects a Physical Education book receives positive or negative points in Health for the marking period in which the student is scheduled for Health
  • Please note: books on the summer reading list do not substitute for reading assigned for Advanced Placement classes.
  • Students enrolled in honors-level courses and above may only read a book in that discipline for credit (e.g. an art book cannot be used for extra credit in APUSH).
  • Students who are absent the day of the Book Chat must schedule their own make-up date before October 1.
  • Students who enrolled in the district after August 15 are granted an extension for reading their book and must schedule their book chat before October 1.
  • Teachers will post the extra credit on or about October 15 (excluding Health)