Academics » STIGMA FREE


Stigma FreeLeonia schools are proud to be STIGMA FREE!


  1. Proactively deliver the message to our community that stigma is destroyed through awareness, education, inclusion, and acceptance.

  2. Educate the public that mental illness is a health issue and must be treated as such while encouraging inclusion to help clear the path for health-seeking behaviors.

  3. Raise the awareness of stigmas in our society while educating our community about how negative perceptions and attitudes can impact people, specifically those who are struggling or vulnerable.

  4. Create a community that supports people and families who are living with mental illness, neurodiversity, disabilities, and autism.

  5. Encourage members of our community to live the values of respect and inclusion for all while giving residents a chance to become engaged with their community.

  6. Link people and families in need with resources and support.


Make the Pledge


“ I pledge to actively work towards stamping out the stigmas in society. 

 I will educate myself about how negative perceptions and attitudes can impact people, specifically, those who are struggling or vulnerable

 I commit to live the values of respect and inclusion for all.

 I will consider my responses and attitudes in everyday situations where I may judge a person who faces stigma.

 I understand that stigma is destroyed through awareness, education, inclusion, and acceptance. 

 I will educate others and practice inclusion to help clear the path towards health-seeking behaviors and a stronger community.

 It begins with me.”


The Borough of Leonia’s Stigma Free Task Force meets once a month and may meet on different days and times. For questions, please email [email protected]